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tax cuts in this year‘s budget
本年度预算中的削减税收  detail>>
budget year
估算年 平衡年 预算年度  detail>>
tax and budget
税收和预算  detail>>
税收和预算  detail>>
tax year
课税年度 纳税年度 税收年度  detail>>
the tax year
税务年度  detail>>
budget for the coming year
为下年度编造预算  detail>>
budgetary budget year
预算年度  detail>>
off-budget year
非编制预算年度  detail>>
the national budget for this fiscal year
本年度国家预算  detail>>
tax expenditures budget
税收优惠造成的财政收入减少额预算  detail>>
dual status tax year
双重纳税年度  detail>>
dual-status tax year
双重纳税年度  detail>>
prepaid tax for year
全年预缴税额  detail>>
current year’s budget performing status
本年预算的执行情况  detail>>
syndrome]肘管综合征 冲砂(铸疵) 刀伤 切段 屈茨 肘管综合征  detail>>
 n.  1.预算,预算案。 2.经营费;生活费;(有限制的)供应,来源。 3.〔古语〕〔方言〕小皮包;小皮包中的东西。 4.〔比喻〕(书信...  detail>>
on a budget
节恃用  detail>>